Helloo! I am Dwarfbloggy. Welcome to my stoopid blog! Yes, I know how stupid is spelled, but I choose to spell it the wrong way. I am doing this as a project that I was assigned. This is about Dwarves and their oversize beards. This specific post is about my favorite dwarves. So, let's begin!
#1 Gimli the Dwarf
Gimli is a dwarf from Lord of the Rings. He is the son of Gloin the Dwarf from the Hobbit.
He carries a battleaxe, a smaller axe, and several throwing axes. He also has a spatula.
#2 Honeydew the Dwarf
Honeydew is a Dwarf from Minecraft. He is notorious for setting off to much TNT at once.
He also likes Jaffa cakes.
#3 Thror the Dwarf
Thror the Dwarf is the king of the Dwarves of Erebor. He is seen in the first Hobbit movie
#4 Thorin the Dwarf
Thorin the Dwarf is the leader of the party of dwarves that plans to kill Smaug the dragon that has taken over The Lonely Mountain
#5 Kili the Dwarf
Kili the Dwarf is a dwarf from the Hobbit. He has a bow and arrow and a sword